Had a terrific weekend in Dayton, Ohio May 17-19 2013 covering the annual "Hamvention" of amateur radio enthusiasts. There's a book in there—stay tuned for more details.
N1HQH waits out the drizzle. Hamvention, Dayton OH.
Had a terrific weekend in Dayton, Ohio May 17-19 2013 covering the annual "Hamvention" of amateur radio enthusiasts. There's a book in there—stay tuned for more details.
N1HQH waits out the drizzle. Hamvention, Dayton OH.
I just returned from another Amateur Radio convention, this time in Orlando. The Florida "Hamacation" draws thousands of radio operators, manufacturers, flea marketers and curious each year. This time I brought a field recorder for interviews. Hope to share the results soon
King's County ARES, deployed at the annual Prospect Park Turkey Trot road race, November 2012.