life lived /
Tag sales let us safely investigate a life through the cover a dollar provides. It's transactional voyeurism. And I suppose that when we adopt some of the many artifacts that define a life, we owe something besides the few bucks in our pocket. Maybe a picture suffices.
ready /
StylHaus' Joni Rentz. Hôtel Gault, Montreal, Canada
Belonging: Fort Hamilton High School Army JROTC /
In 2001, just after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, I spent a few days with the student cadets of Tiger Battalion, the JROTC corps at Fort Hamilton High School in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. The Battalion started in 1993 under Lieutenant Colonel Lee C. Anderson, and was the first Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps in the New York Public School System. I wanted to know what they were feeling; here was a group of young people, not yet graduated—or even decided on a direction outside of the formative influence of senior, mentoring soldiers—who might soon become involved in a widening war on terror.
The images here are show young people in transition, as all adolescents are, I suppose. What has happened with them? Where have they landed, what have they learned? I've reached out to the Battalion coordinator, to try to get in touch with some of those student subjects from so long ago.
Greenport Harbor, NY /
View from the dock at Preston's Marine.
Daylight Savings /
An ode to the loneliest, loveliest time of the season. Who needs stong shadows, direct light?